What shall we do before milk pasteurizer cleaning?

18L Calf Colostrum Pasteurizer

Does the milk pasteurizer need a cleaning machine? Many customers have doubts about this problem and feel that the equipment only needs simple maintenance and regular checks.
Milk pasteurizerManufacturers tell you that this view is wrong, the bus sterilization machine also needs cleaning, because it is related to diet, and our health is closely related, then on the detailed cleaning precautions to share with you:

1. When cleaning, ensure sufficient supply of concentrated acid and alkali;

Two, long time low temperature, check whether the ice water inlet and outlet butterfly valve is closed;

Three. Whether the cooling water is opened when the homogenizer is cleaned; When cleaning with single-effect film faller, check the evaporation chamber;

Four. When the conductivity meter of the cleaning circuit does not change for a long time, immediately check all valve actions, especially whether the manual valve is opened;

5. The pressure of Barr discharge port should be 2.5-3.5bar;

Six, cleaning 1500, according to the product needs to choose the cleaning mode;

7. Cold milk homogeneous cleaning is the same as pipeline cleaning;

Eight, cleaning alkali conductivity 40ms, acid conductivity 20ms.