Titanium rod ultrasonic cleaning machine

Filter element, titanium rod ultrasonic cleaning machine

This machine USES the principle of ultrasonic “cavitation” to remove the dirt inside and outside of the filter element and titanium rod, and then washes them with high-pressure water from inside to outside, so that the cleaned filter element and titanium rod are clean as new. It is suitable for cleaning the filter element and titanium rod used in fermentation, liquid medicine, raw material processing, water treatment and other processes in pharmaceutical and chemical industries. The successful development of this product completely ends the history that the filter element and titanium rod cannot be cleaned, which can make the filter element and titanium rod be used repeatedly for several times, reduce the loss caused by the repeated purchase of enterprises, and achieve great economic benefits for enterprises.

filter element qty filter element Size Power
1 20inch 650×240×180 1200
1 30inch 650×240×180 1500
2 20inch 650×240×180 1800
2 30inch 650×240×180 2000
3 20inch 650×240×180 2400
3 30inch 650×240×180 2800
6 20inch 650×240×180 4800
6 30inch 650×240×180 5400