soybean protein changes with high pressure homogenizer process
Because of its high nutritional value, affordable price and important effect on food structure, soybean protein has become a widely used food supplement, which is used in food formulations based on protein. Soybean protein isolated (SoybeanProteinIsolate, SPI) has often been widely used as emulsifier in food processing industry, as well as commercial soy protein in a high protein content.
The results showed that the changes of molecular structure and physical and chemical properties of soybean protein isolate resulted in the changes of its functional properties, and most of these changes were caused by external environmental factors (such as acid-base treatment, oxidation induction, heating treatment, high-speed shearing, etc.). Without modification, soybean protein isolate has high thermal stability, so its functional properties are not very good, which limits the application of soybean protein isolate. Therefore, soybean protein isolate is modified to obtain good functional properties, so that soybean protein isolate can be widely used in food processing industry.
In the process of ultra-high pressure homogenization by ultra-high pressure homogenizer, the suspension material will have high shear force and high impact force when it flows through the slit and hits the metal ring. Under the action of these forces, the material will have more obvious changes.
In addition, in industrial production, ultra-high pressure homogenization is more advantageous because of its continuous operation characteristics. Protein denaturation under ultrahigh pressure homogenization is a complex process involving many denaturation forms.