Nice and cheap yogurt blast freezer wholesale

Regular yogurt drinkers will notice the instructions on the package that the yogurt should be stored between 2℃ and 6℃. Not all yogurt is stored in the yogurt blast freezer, and many are placed outside. Especially during the festival, some cities even put a single box of yogurt tied together, with transparent packaging wrapped in the refrigerator outside the sale. There is no doubt that the temperature of the yogurt placed outside the refrigerator has far exceeded 6℃, so, in the case of higher than the temperature of the preserved yogurt, will the nutrition of the yogurt be affected?

The main ingredient of yoghurt is active lactobacillus, it can prevent protein to ferment, reduce bowel to produce gas, reduce abdominal distension, dyspepsia to wait for a symptom thereby. Under normal circumstances, the survival of active lactobacillus is static in the environment of 0℃ ~ 4℃. However, with the increase of the environmental temperature, lactobacillus will rapidly reproduce and die. At this time, the lactobacillus drink will become acid milk without living bacteria, and its nutritional value will be greatly reduced. Yogurt containing active lactic acid bacteria has a short shelf life, usually about two weeks, and must be stored at 2℃ ~ 6℃, otherwise it is easy to deteriorate. So it seems that the city those placed in the outside of the refrigerator yogurt has not 2℃ ~ 6℃ refrigeration conditions, its taste and nutritional value can not be guaranteed. So, when consumer is buying yoghurt, want to see expiration date not only, want to see more “temperature”. Well, it is necessary for the store to get a yogurt blast freezer.