Manufacturer for milk pasteurizer and cooling tank
Have you found good manufacturer for milk pasteurizer and cooling tank? Our nice and cheap milk pasteurization equipment are right here waiting for you.
1. Always pay attention to the working condition of the whole equipment and reducer. If the lubricating oil of the reducer is insufficient, make up immediately. Regularly check the temperature gauge, electric heating rod and electrical instrument on the jacket and pot cover. If there is any fault, replace or repair immediately.
2. When the equipment is not in use, it must be thoroughly cleaned with warm water on the inner and outer walls of the container, and the pot body shall be frequently scrubbed to keep the appearance clean and the inner tank bright, so as to achieve the purpose of durability.
The above is the manufacturer’s introduction to the operating procedures, working principles, performance characteristics and maintenance points of milk pasteurizer. The pasteurization machine is widely used in “fresh milk bar” because the characteristics of sterilization just meet the needs of the quality of dairy products. The low-temperature and long-term sterilization can ensure both the sterilization and the quality of milk.