50L 80L Ice cream blast freezer for sale

high quality ice cream blast freezer

The equipment of superenergy ice cream liquid nitrogen blast freezer has the following obvious advantages:

The maximum cooling rate of ge;50 ℃ / min, is about 30-40 times faster than that of the general freezing method. The ice cream can pass through the maximum ice crystal growth zone at 0 ℃ ~ 5 ℃ by liquid nitrogen quick freezing.

2. Maintain the quality of ice cream: because of the short time of liquid nitrogen quick freezing and the minimum temperature of-196 ℃, the ice cream frozen by liquid nitrogen can maintain the color, aroma, taste and nutritional value before processing to the greatest extent. The taste of ice cream is better than that of traditional quick freezing method.

3. The dry consumption of materials is small: the dry consumption loss rate of general freezing is 3 ≤ 6%, while that of liquid nitrogen quick freezing can be reduced to 0.25 ≤ 0.5%.

4. The cost of equipment and power is low, the one-time investment of equipment is low, the operation cost is low, it is easy to realize mechanization and automation pipeline, and the productivity is improved.

5. The operation is simple and can be carried out unattended; the maintenance cost is low and there is almost no maintenance cost. 6. The area is very small and there is no noise.